Friday, February 20, 2009


on my desk
frozen daiquiri-scented lotion
a Ziploc of dry oats & orange-flavored cranberries
cup of coffee
access badge
a pen
video iPod
PoliSci book
card to be mailed to my sister in Nebraska
sugar-free Red Bull
corporate letters to go out into the afternoon mail
Coach purse

inside my purse
makeup bag (powder, eyeliner, eyeshadow, lip tint, lip gloss, blush, mascara)
cell phone
antibacterial solution
digital camera
birth control pills
raw almonds
loose change
a pen
keys to my desk

this morning (before 7:15), i
compiled a list of shows going on on the east and west coasts this weekend for
did 45 minutes of cardio
cleaned the bathroom
shifted things around the room
packed my TRKFLD bag
got to work on-time, at 8:02am

break 10:00 - 10:15
lunch with Pop 12:00 - 1:00
break 3:00 - 3:15
work, or wait for calls to come in, or study, or write review on Serge Gainsbourg's posthumous CD release 3:15 - 5:00
en route to Sierra Madre via Metro 5:15 - 7:15
sushi.... perhaps?,
company, then sleep

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


School started up again today. I'm not a huge fan of these long days - up at 6:00, out at 7:15, at my desk at 8:00, done with the day at 5:00 pm --- my favorite part of it all is sitting in the computer lab and writing until class starts at 7:00pm. Still, by the time 8:00pm rolls around I'm thinking, "Damn, I was in this position only in heels and at a computer, getting ready to tuck into the beginning of the day a whole 12 hours ago". That is when I start to get tired, when 10:00 pm seems so far away, and midnight even farther. Thankfully, this semester I'll only be doing this once a week. My other classes are online or in the afternoon - the latter of which I hope works out.

Tired as I am, it's a really nice feeling, though, being on this side of the day - with hair washed of sweet suds, in a nightshirt and between soft sheets.

I'd better get to bed.