Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Hi, my name is Lindsey. I've been blogging on and off for about six years, via this module, and most recently MySpace.

I am currently writing somewhat regularly for the public, which is what I've been encouraged to do for a long time. I'm still honing my talent, but I'm at least knowledgable of that talent - and you know what they say about knowledge and power. It's a great feeling to have my writing skimmed over, if not yet read in full.

So, upon realization of said supposed talent, I figured that I might want to start using upper-cased letters. I love lower-cased letters, though. Lower-cased is more casual and allows room for more interpretation, but I can understand how it can make one think that the author is lesser than their years. So here we are trying something a little bit different.

Life as of late is as follows: I work and go to school full-time, which takes up most of my time and energy. I am a sister, an aunt, a lover, and a friend. 2008 has been an okay year so far. I have met interesting people, and at the same time have cultivated and maintained rich friendships. I spend my free time daydreaming or thinking of things to write. I prefer to have some sort of napkin or Post-It in my purse at all times. I prefer a thesaurus to a dictionary. I love words; because of this, I have a burning desire to travel to each of our earth's continents, to smell its air, delve in the cultures, to fall in love with some city I'll never want to leave. I'm sure it will make an interesting screenplay.

If in dire need of something to read, please head to this blog, or back from whence you came. Rest assured that there's enough meat laid out for the vultures to pick at. After which, please allow enough time to pass, to allow room for more verbage, and for my digital camera to arrive - after which I truly believe that things will flourish more seamlessly with the aid of much color.

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