Friday, December 12, 2008


So it's not that I haven't been around. I've been around; I've just been busy. It's the end of the year, meaning the end of the semester, meaning finals next week. I'm almost done with general education work, which is both good and bad: good in that I'm almost done; bad in that the classes I need fill up quickly or aren't readily available. So I've been contending with that, taking a lighter load than usual, with the same level of stress. One of my professors hasn't been around for most of the term, so I'm freaking about next week's final (involving complex math). The other class (history) I will pass with flying colors. After this, I've at least one more [unwanted] semester to go, but it's better than another two years on the same campus. I'm ready for the next level.

In other news, Christmas presents to self are already taken care of - I bought a new wardrobe, a new computer, new shoes, and a new camera on various purposeful whims in the last few months, so I don't know what else I could ask for. WIth the exception of perhaps a swanky set of bed sheets, a cartilage piercing, or a crockpot, I really don't want anything else materially (although I'm saving for a Louis Vuitton purse when I get my BA; just saying).

Writing has been going really well - I'm happy to say that I'm going on seven months of experience [being the name we give to our mistakes], and I hope to keep it up in the same format for some time.

The one thing I could say needs working on lately is reconnecting with family - with my sister having moved to Nebraska, my brother out in New York, my other sister separated due to religious differences, and my folks & lil bro just in their own day-to-day, it's been difficult to genuinely connect on a regular basis. But it's interesting in that growing amicably away from them, I've grown a hell of a lot in the last five years. It's been incredibly sobering.

That's about it. My mind is a minefield of snippets.

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