Monday, May 24, 2010


I have decided to breathe some life into this thing because as of late, life in itself has been far too interesting. Yes, I realize that "interesting" is a relative term, that's why they call this personal blogging. In addition to being interesting, I have also found it to be absolutely hilarious - both in good and bad connotations - so much so that to not resurrect this thing would be a completely inappropriate move.

Since I last updated here, my relationship status has been set to single for the first time in three and a half years. I didn't realize how huge a part of my life being a couple was until recently trying my hand at dating/casual "interactions". Naturally, after a paltry three months of testing the waters (and diving in - thanks, Jack Daniels), I'm feeling kind of spent. First of all, the germophobe in me has never taken kindly to waiting any length of a three-month window period. Secondly, we all can't be Samantha Jones, or hell, even Miranda Hobbes (who, face it, got a lot of action in seasons 2 and 3 of Sex & the City). Were that there were really a balance... in attempting to broaden my social circle, I intend to find that out.

Since last updating here, I have also severed ties with the corporate world - or rather, they have with me. After five years of living in the shadow of multiple mergers I'm growing accustomed a somewhat flexible schedule consisting in part of meeting deadlines for the websites I contribute to ( and, among other things. That said, I am either super busy or not at all, with the lack of corporate consistency proving to be a godsend as well as weighing heavily on the nerves.

I am also trying out some personal projects, one of which has garnered attention within the Los Angeles bicycling community (and surrounding counties); others involving a novel and two screenplays - the latter two ventures I will need to seek out a mentor for, I'm sure. I really have no idea what I'm doing. At this stage, I am merely trying, with not yet too bad an outcome. We'll see what takes place in the next six months.

One of the aforementioned projects - being a transportation/bicycling blog - is my pride and joy, as it mostly revolves around my adventures without a car in Los Angeles. Needless to say, it provides a lot of material and has been given backbone support by the interwebs. That said, with all the writing I've been doing (for at least the last twelve years) I hope to get into personal writing again... as well as quip on life, love, pop culture and politics in general, or whatever else may arise.

I remember once saying that my mind is a minefield of snippets. I guess it never hurts to watch your step.

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