Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Ambiguous by nature

If I could recommend having anything at your disposal as a writer it would be

(at all times)
a writing instrument
something to write on (post-its, if not receipt or business card)
cell phone
iPod (video or otherwise)
audio recorder

(when on assignment)
digital camera
comfortable shoes
a sweater

I'm not the best at anything, but in lieu of ginko biloba, the aforementioned help me to not misplace my mind, or a track on a setlist, or some quip that that beholds the potential of relevant interjection.

I coasted along today. Normalcy has been lacking due to the fires in the Valley, but I'm glad that the worst is over. The final Presidential debate has taken place. I am registered and all at once proud to be an American. This week I've been taking each day one by one, instead of bunching Mon.-Fri. into one long unsatisfying cock tease - and so far it has worked out to my psyche's advantage. I can also assume that having gotten five-plus hours of sleep each night has improved my reactions to others' idiosyncrasies. Tomorrow I've got to get up early to finish a review, work, school, and head home by 11pm. Another day in the life.

And as for the weekend - I have no idea what lies in store, but I hope very much that it doesn't involve any exposed nerves. This I will always work on.

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